Frustration Buster


8 miles speed work

I had a frustrating morning.  A doctor’s appointment that took 3 hours door-to-door and when I came home our internet was out.  Wouldn’t be a big deal except that I was working from home and pretty much need the internet to do anything.  So I went for a run.  No use waiting around for the internet and, since I was cranky (putting it mildly), a run would mellow me out.  Luckily speed work was on the agenda today.  Nothing like taking your frustrations out by running fast kinda fast.

I did 1×1200 and 5×800.  I’m making up my own speed work these days.  I look at my schedule, sigh, and then do what I want.  I kept my pace between 7:15 and 7:30.  I was slower than the 800s I did a few weeks ago but instead of being a slave to the Garmin, I used my perception to see if I was working hard or not.  I made sure my exertion was a “7 or 8” on a scale of 1 to 10.  That also means I’m huffing and puffing like crazy.  As long as I’m doing that, I consider the workout successful!

I’m hoping to catch up on The Bachelor tonight.  There was no way I was going to be able to stay awake for all the drama last night.  I already know who “won” anyway…and who the next Bachelorette will be!